Hoi, Leipzig!
Visit us from 21. to 24.03.2024 in Hall 5.0, E 600.

We say "Hoi, Leipzig!" – to our guest country, the Netherlands & Flanders, and also to all visitors to the Leipziger Buchmesse. We look forward to seeing you again and to having inspiring conversations. We will be welcoming you to our stand in Hall 5, E 600, together with the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and Mediacampus Frankfurt.
This year's guest country appearance promises to be "everything but flat". The same applies to our programme. Among other things, our colleagues are happy to provide information on how the Reading Rationales can be applied in self-publishing, how Bewegte Schaufenster are best used in bookshops or publishing houses and how recruiting works with medien.jobs. Innovations from small and self-publishers can be found in the Livro joint exhibition in Hall 4, B 301.
We invite you to the LUDWIG bookshop at Leipzig Central Station on the opening day of the fair. After last year's successful pilot project the bookshop team is implementing the Reading Rationales in the non-fiction books department this year. Come along and see for yourself how the concept makes it easier to find your way around LUDWIG's extensive department of non-fiction books.
You can find all the information about our trade fair appearance at #LBM24 on this page.
Here's to an everything but boring book fair!
Your MVB team
Our Events
Wednesday, 20.03.2024
Thursday, 21.03.2024
- 11:30 – 12:00 | Book finished – and now? Marketing on your own!
- 12:00 – 13:00 | Note | Presentation of the SALES AWARD 2023
- 13:30 – 14:30 | Reading Rationales for Dummies – Special Edition: Selfpublishing
- 14:00 – 15:00 | Presentation of the Alfred Kerr Prize for Literary Criticism 2024
- 15:30 – 16:45 | Note | Climate Reporting for Booksellers and Publishers
- 16:00 – 17:00 | Note | Presentation of the Leipzig Book Fair Prize 2024
Friday, 22.03.2024
- 10:30 – 17:30 | Career Day Book and Media 2024
Please also note the events and topics of our colleagues from the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and Mediacampus Frankfurt.
We Love Sustainability

Climate-conscious bookselling is possible! Switch to digital previews now – every preview that is not printed improves the greenhouse gas balance. This is confirmed by the climate and environmental protection organization ORCA: "VLB-TIX is an efficient tool for communicating previews and significantly reducing emissions."
The VLB-TIX team is available on site to answer any questions you may have and will be happy to help you make the switch.
We Love New Discoveries

No matter for your assortment design, your programme planning or for your own reading supplies: with our Livro joint exhibition (Hall 4, B 301) and the Livro exhibition catalogue, you will find orientation in the extensive range of books from small and independent publishers.
Let yourself be inspired!
We arrange Eye Catchers

Reaching people who would otherwise rarely or never find their way into the store – that's what our Bewegte Schaufenster can do. Around 200 bookstores throughout Germany have been using our new service since the beginning of April 2023 to make their point of sale (PoS) even more lively. Among them are publishers such as dtv, Hanser, Aufbau, S. Fischer, C.H. Beck and Klett Cotta, who present their book gems via our centrally controlled screen advertising. But it's about far more than just being seen. A study with Media Control shows that bookstores with screens sell an average of 25 percent more of the advertised titles than bookstores without screens.
Other bookstores and publishers can join in at any time. Our media team will be happy to explain how the subscription model works and what the conditions are in a personal meeting on site at our trade fair stand, where we will be presenting a sample screen. Just come by and see for yourself.
We Love Elegance

Our magazine Börsenblatt and the Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels is awarding the critic, literary scholar, author, translator and editor Wolfgang Matz this year's Alfred Kerr Prize for Literary Criticism for his well-reasoned, elegant and entertainingly written reviews.
In its citation, the jury emphasized his profound knowledge combined with a lucid, elegant style and entertaining tone. His reviews are "extraordinarily well-founded and use dramaturgical skill to build up expectations among readers, which are countered with wit and irony and take a confident look at strengths and weaknesses."
Congratulations and we look forward to the public award ceremony during the Leipzig Book Fair.
We Love Careers
Working successfully in the book industry
medien.jobs: Our career portal is the central point of contact for media professionals who are looking for suitable vacancies or qualified applicants. Interested employers are welcome to visit us at our stand at the LBM – we will be happy to provide individual advice.
Career Day Book and Media 2024: As always, trainees, students and trainees can find out all about starting a career and job prospects in the book industry on Friday. In addition to discussions and presentations, young professionals can practice test job interviews and find vacant positions via the job board. The Career Day is a joint event of our trade magazine Börsenblatt, our career portal medien.jobs and the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels in cooperation with the Leipzig Book Fair and takes place in the Fachforum + Literatur in Hall 5. Further information on the Career Day.
Start-ups: The application phase for the Börsenverein Group's joint funding programme is currently underway. For the Content Shift Accelerator, we are looking for founders from all over the world who are looking to advance the world of books with their innovations – whether analogue or digital – and are looking to enter our industry. All details on the programme, procedure and registration: www.contentshift.de/apply
Save the date – #yeaward24: The Börsenblatt Young Excellence Award honours creative people in the book industry who are already doing outstanding work in and for the book industry at a young age – whether in a bookshop, publishing house, service company or as a freelancer. On Tuesday, 02.04.2024, the award will enter the next round with the start of the nomination phase – so it's best to start thinking about who is worthy of the award. Our trade magazine Börsenblatt presents the award together with the companies of the Börsenverein Group: Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, Frankfurter Buchmesse, Mediacampus Frankfurt and MVB. Further information: www.young-excellence-award.de
We Love Holland & Flanders

This year's guest country is presenting itself under the motto "anything but flat". The Netherlands & Flanders want to show what literary heights even a small country can produce. We are looking forward to the varied program and the many new publications to be discovered at the fair this year.
As in previous years, our guest country postcard will once again be available to take away free of charge, because what could be better than "BOEKEN. BOEKEN? BOEKEN! - BOOKS. BOOKS? BOOKS!"?