
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Find out what it means to us

We love dialogue

We always welcome information, viewpoints and opinions on our online channels, along with suggestions, praise and criticism. Our motto here is: Respect. Communication in the virtual world also takes place among real people. That is why it is important to us that any posts or comments are written in a way that is constructive, understandable and appreciative.

Discrimination, insults, abuse and threats are not tolerated at MVB – neither in the digital nor in the analogue world.

We therefore review all posts and comments on our online channels and reserve the right to delete or reject content that is inappropriate or that violates the law. This includes content that is racist, inciteful, sexist, or defamatory, that endangers minors, is harmful to business operations or reputations, or is otherwise unacceptable.

We attach great importance to safeguarding intellectual property since it is one of the cornerstones of our multifaceted industry. Posts and comments on our online channels must therefore comply with all laws protecting copyrights, trademarks and the like.

Protected content – whether text, images or recordings – may not be published without the permission of the rights holder and only when labelled accordingly.

Naturally, privacy laws and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) also apply on the web. To ensure that online interactions are open and transparent, we ask that you use your real name whenever possible. In addition, any posts or comments should always address the topic at hand.

More information on why we love diversity and what it means to us can be found here:

Our customer service team would be glad to answer any questions you might have.

We look forward to a lively exchange among equals.


We take no responsibility for the content of posts, comments or links published by third parties on our online channels. They represent others’ personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect our own views. All users are responsible for any content that they post.