Speeches Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels

The speeches given at ceremony of the Peace Prize in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt

Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels | Speeches

Since 1950, the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e. V. - the German Publishers & Booksellers Association - has been awarding the Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels. The award ceremony traditionally takes place during the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The Prize impressively demonstrates the book trade's commitment to serving international understanding with its work.

The speeches given at the Paulskirche on the occasion of the award ceremony are published in printed form every year.

You can order all available books here.

Speeches Given at the Award Ceremony at the Frankfurt Paulskirche

  • 2023 – Salman Rushdie
  • 2022 – Serhij Zhadan
  • 2021 – Tsitsi Dangarembga
  • 2020 - Amartya Sen
  • 2019 – Sebastião Salgado
  • 2018 – Aleida und Jan Assmann
  • 2017 – Margaret Atwood
  • 2016 – Carolin Emcke
  • 2015 – Navid Kermani
  • 2014 – Jaron Lanier
  • 2013 – Swetlana Alexijewitsch
  • 2012 – Liao Yiwu
  • 2011 – Boualem Sansal
  • 2010 – David Grossman
  • 2009 – Claudio Magris
  • 2008 – Anselm Kiefer
  • 2007 – Saul Friedländer
  • 2006 – Wolf Lepenies
  • 2005 – Orhan Pamuk
  • 2004 – Peter Esterhazy

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Book of Speeches on the Peace Price of the German Book Trade

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