

45 minutes

Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany


  Target group



Stephanie Lange

MVB-Austausch: Orientation in the book trade

Whether it's a target purchase or a browse, people need orientation to quickly find the right book. But those who don't regularly find their way to the bookshop quickly feel overwhelmed by the abundance of books on offer and don't buy. A customer-centred presentation of the assortments can remedy the situation and turn buyers into happy customers.

How do you take into account the needs of your customers in terms of product presentation and spatial concept? What means do you use to create inspiring impulses? What role does the new classification standard Reading Rationales play in this? Tell us at the MVB-Austausch!

In a relaxed atmosphere, we discuss questions that are currently moving book people. We want to know what's on your mind in different subject areas and how we can develop solutions together. Come along, we look forward to seeing familiar and new faces!

Venue: Messe Frankfurt | Hall 4.0, E 21 | Zentrum Börsenverein

MVB at Frankfurter Buchmesse 2023: Our program for #fbm23