Four initiatives are on the shortlist for the international prize

Great News! Our Reading Rationales have made it onto the shortlist for the IPA Innovation in Publishing Award 2024. With this award, the International Publishers Association (IPA) honors groundbreaking projects that have the potential to change the book industry in the long term. It recognizes innovations that can be adopted by others and benefit the entire industry. The aim is to strengthen and unite the book world and prepare it for future challenges.
We are delighted to be in excellent company on the shortlist for the award.
Nominations at a glance
- Publishing 2030 Accelerator:
Co-founders: Jörg Engelstädter (Canon) and Rachel Martin (Elsevier)
Co-chairs: Michiel Kolman (Elsevier) and Richard Charkin (Mensch) - Renew the Book:
Groep Algemene Uitgevers – Dutch Publishers Association - AEJ Academia Editorial Júnior:
Sindicato Nacional dos Editores de Livros - Reading Rationales:
This recognition by the IPA, the world's largest book industry association, confirms the innovative strength and added value of our new classification standard and the resulting recommendations for action, which create additional orientation and buying impulses.
This is only possible because so many book people have worked with us with great commitment to develop and implement the Reading Rationales. Without their passion, expertise and continuous support, this success would not have been possible.
Many thanks to all Reading Rationales fans!
Now it's time to keep our fingers crossed: The decision awhich initiative will receive the award will be announced at the 34th International Publishers Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, from December 3 to 6, 2024.
About the Reading Rationales
For the first time, publishers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland can systematically address the unconscious needs of potential book buyers that drive purchases with the help of the new classification system "Reading Rationales" from technology and information provider MVB – based on neuroscience, confirmed by representatives, and proven in practice.
The consistent focus on the standard allows comprehensive product and process optimization resulting in increased visibility and more efficiency in all areas – from program planning to manuscript checking and editing to the layout and marketing of individual titles.
Considering Reading Rationales when designing and presenting the product range in bookshops creates new buying impulses and increases sales because customers are better able to orientate themselves on site and online. Simultaneously, the focus on needs ensures lasting reading pleasure because the titles purchased specifically serve the respective Reading Rationale.
What is innovative is not only the change to the customer's perspective, but also the assignment of individual book titles to the new standard. This is done automatically for all titles listed in the German books in print catalogue VLB based on artificial intelligence (AI), which analyses metadata (bibliographic and content information, keywords, classifications, covers, reading samples). In this way, MVB was able to ensure the comprehensive application of Reading Rationales according to standardized decision criteria right from the start and to avoid the usual chicken-and-egg problem when introducing new classifications.
Additional information: Reading Rationales
Event Information
- Wednesday, 16.10.2024 | 12:00 to 12:45 p.m.
MVB exchange at Frankfurter Buchmesse: Integrating Reading Rationales into everyday bookstore life - Wednesday, 16.10.2024 | 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
MVB exchange at Frankfurter Buchmesse: Presenting Young & New Adult in the bookstore - Thursday, 17.10.2024 | 12:00 to 12:45 p.m.
MVB exchange at Frankfurter Buchmesse: Persuading the undecided to buy - Tuesday, 22.10.2024 | 08:30 to 09:30 a.m.
Webinar: Reading Rationales in the VLB: The new classification standard for the book trade - Thursday, 24.10.2024 | 11:00 to 12:00 a.m.
Webinar: Reading Rationales in the VLB: The new classification standard for publishers - Tuesday, 26.11.2024 | 09:00 to 17:00
Online Conference: MVB Data Summit: Facts, fakes and false trails – AI under control?