Training at MVB: The Path to Becoming a Digital and Print Media Specialist

Varied Years

Anna Göckel Copyright Katrin Friedl
Anna Göckel © Katrin Friedl

Young people who start an apprenticeship as a digital and print media specialist immerse themselves in the world of media. This is also confirmed by our colleague Anna, who recently successfully completed her training with us.

Anna started out in the Customer Service department, where she gained an initial insight into our products and services and picked up a few tips and tricks as a #learninggift. From there, she then rotated through all the relevant departments, such as Media or Accounting, where she spent several months getting to know the respective processes better and was also allowed to take on tasks independently. For example, she was involved in the creation of a video tutorial for VLB-TIX and supported the social media team with ideas and her own contributions. However, her work on our joint exhibition Livro at the Frankfurt Book Fair was particularly memorable, as it was not only a lot of fun, but also encouraged her in her career choice.

Her trainers were always on hand with help and advice during all the varied activities and supported her in her professional development, she says. This enabled her to stay relaxed even in stressful times and face her tasks and later her exams with confidence. She also enjoyed the regular exchanges with the other trainees Olivia and Yelda, who are currently in their first and second year of training.

The training is also supplemented by two-week internships in bookshops and print shops to ensure a deeper insight into the interaction and processes of the industry. Anna also completed an internship at Tolino Media and gained exclusive insights into the day-to-day work of the self-publishing platform. She was also part of the Young Talent Parliament (now Future Parliament) of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association.

In addition to the practical day-to-day work, theory is of course also a must. This is taught at the Mediacampus Frankfurt, where two school blocks of nine weeks each are completed together with other industry trainees from all over Germany. There, they not only study together until their heads are spinning, but also celebrate successes, attend readings and support each other in their exam preparations. A time that many alumni remember fondly.

After completing their training, numerous opportunities open up for graduates. And like Anna, who is now strengthening the customer service team in the ISBN division, other former trainees have also found their professional home at MVB and in the other companies of the Börsenverein Group.

If you are interested, we are once again looking for trainees who would like to embark on this exciting journey with us this year. You can find more information about the job advertisement on our careers page.

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