Exchange and Networking: The Industry comes together in São Paulo

A Hoard of Ideas and Innovation

Whether at a trade fair, during a discussion round, or at a digital meeting: People of the book industry are shaped by exchange and cohesion throughout the entire book world. Only in this way can innovation and new ideas become part of our daily work. At the conference Encontro de Editores, Livreiros, Distribuidores e Gráficos of the Câmara Brasileiro do Livro (CBL), representatives from all sectors of the Brazilian book industry will meet in São Paulo from 02. to 04.08.2023, to discuss current and future issues in the book world. As a technology and information provider, it is particularly important to us to promote this cooperation. Therefore, we are pleased to support CBL as a sponsor of this year's conference.

Ricardo Costa, Managing Director of MVB in Brazil, also explains how important it is to stay connected: "The Encontro de editores, livreiros distribuidores e gráficos is a convention that connects almost all of the book business chain. It is only the second edition of this event, but the market has already valued it as one of the most important events of the year for professionals in this business. It is a place of interaction and development. Thus, participation is a must for us to be part of this exchange and to deepen our relationships. We want to contribute and share our passion for metadata, which is such an important pillar of the book industry. That is why we need to be there and I am looking forward to it."

MVB will participate in the conference programme with a roundtable discussion on artificial intelligence in content production as well as a workshop on the successful use of metadata for publishers and bookshops. In addition, we look forward to joint discussions on all event days.