Celebrating Networks that Connect Us Worldwide
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022 is already just around the corner and our anticipation grows and grows. We look forward to welcome you from October 19th to 23rd at our booth in hall 3.1, H 61.

2022 is a very special year for us. Not only because the Frankfurter Buchmesse can once again take place without restrictions, but because we have already been writing stories of success together with you for 75 years. On the occasion of our birthday, we have been showing since spring what moves us today and in the future and what we can accomplish together with many, great book people around the world. We celebrate new ideas, innovations and technologies with which we create something new together.
At the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022, this campaign will come to an end, so we would like to celebrate the networks that connect us worldwide with you all. Because one thing is clear to us: Only together can we continue to develop the world of books. And that requires intensive dialog. That's why we've put together our new "MVB Exchange" format, a program covering a wide range of topics, so that we can talk to each other about what moves our industry.
You can find all the information about our presence at #fbm22 on this page.
See you soon in Frankfurt!
Your MVB Team
Celebrating Digitalization

What effect does on-screen advertising in bookstore windows have on potential book buyers? Do they encourage passers-by to linger longer? Can they generate so much attention that they create concrete impulses to buy?
The three-month pilot project "Bewegtes Schaufenster", which we have been conducting since August 2022 together with 20 general product ranges of different types, sizes and locations throughout Germany directly at the point of sale (POS), with a focus on the Rhine-Main and Cologne/Bonn regions, is intended to provide answers. For this purpose, the participating assortments have been provided with 24-inch screens that are prominently displayed in the shop window. These screens will be used centrally for book advertising, which will be designed by the advertising publishers. The titles featured in the test phase are from Carlsen, C. H. Beck, Dorling Kindersley, Hanser, S. Fischer and Ullstein. Each week, six new advertising motifs run in a continuous loop. The featured titles, primarily novelties, are stocked in the participating bookstore and also presented in the store to enable spontaneous purchases.
At the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022, we plan to launch the subscription phase for additional participants. We will display a sample screen at our booth, and our team on site will provide information about the details of the pilot project and the conditions of the planned subscription model.
Celebrating Innovation
In the Arts+ area (Hall 4.0, H77-83), the EU-funded projects Aldus Up, Möbius and Starts, in which we are involved as part of the Börsenvereinsgruppe, will be presenting themselves. Stop by and learn about the opportunities that cross-national collaborations in the creative and cultural sectors offer to all of us, and the role you can play.
Our Content Shift Accelerator will also be part of this booth. In 2022, we will once again be selecting the Content Start-up of the Year at the Frankfurter Buchmesse together with our partners of the Börsenvereinsgruppe. At the grand finale, the nominated start-ups will compete live against each other before a winner will be chosen. Click here for an overview of the business ideas.
Celebrating Selfpublishing
Whether for your assortment design, your program planning or for your own reading supplies: With our Livro joint exhibition (Hall 3.1, J 71) and the Livro exhibition catalog, you will find orientation in the extensive range of books from small and independent publishers.
Let yourself be inspired!
Our stand of the past year in pictures: Livro impressions from the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2021.
All Things Book Fair at Hand
With the free Frankfurter Buchmesse app (iOS and Android) you are always up to date:
- all events and exhibitors including favorites list
- personal calendar with reminder function
- matchmaking for trade visitors
- practical information about the fair
Program of the Börsenvereinsgruppe
You will find all the information from our colleagues at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the trade and public program as well as on the Frankfurt Rights, Frankfurt Studio and Masterclasses offerings at: www.buchmesse.de
Please also note the events and topics of our colleagues from Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels and Mediacampus Frankfurt.