

45 minutes

Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany


  Target group



Alexander Haffner, Data Manager, MVB

Felix Lenz, Business Development Manager, MVB

MVB-Austausch: Marketing Originators and Authors

What added value do personalised standards offer?

Names are not as clear-cut as you might think. Duplications and spelling variants often cause confusion, which can only be avoided through time-consuming manual work. The international standards ISNI and ORCID promise a remedy, making it possible to clearly assign products to persons and organisations and thus enable new services.

How do you turn authors into a brand? How do you present a person's works? What pitfalls do you fall into with name-based searches? Tell us at the MVB-Austausch!

In a relaxed atmosphere, we discuss questions that are currently on the minds of book people. We want to know what's on your mind in different subject areas and how we can develop solutions together. Come along, we look forward to seeing familiar and new faces!

This event will be held in German language.

Venue: Messe Frankfurt | Hall 4.0, E 21 | Zentrum Börsenverein

MVB at Frankfurter Buchmesse 2024: Our program for #fbm24