The best from the world of books – The customer magazine with the guarantee to find your favorite book

More than half a million literature-enthusiastic readers make Buchjournal the leading customer magazine in the German speaking book trade. Informative reading tips for recent publications of newcomers and bestseller authors inspire to read and provide decisive impulses to buy. Customers receive the magazine for free in more than 2,000 bookstores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The Best from the World of Books

Inspire to read - with a modern, target group-exact adjustment, strong magazine layouts and high-quality advertorials.
More than one million readers with a passion for literature make the Buchjournal the leading customer magazine in the German-language book trade - and thus the No. 1 customer loyalty instrument. With its wide range of topics, the Buchjournal is the ideal platform for presenting authors and new publications. And all this directly at the point of sale: customers can obtain the magazine free of charge in more than 2,000 bookstores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Buchjournal appears two times a year with a print run of 180,500 copies. It reaches 1.18 million readers per issue*. Three special editions - two issues Kids & Teens and a Christmas catalog - round off the range of products.

* AWA Allensbacher Markt- und Werbeträgeranalyse 2023

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